I have had a love for the entertainment industry since I was a child. My parents introduced me to a wide variety of medium. Music, movies, television, and radio were an intricate part of my growing up. When I was in Junior High at Sacred Heart School in Tucson, Arizona, I got permission to play records over the loudspeaker during lunch. This was the beginning of what is a wonderful career. When I decided to go to college instead of the military I began ministerial studies. It was a visit to a local radio station in Greenville, South Carolina that sealed the deal for me. After a brief conversation with the station manager, Willie Thompson, he posed the question: "Have you ever thought about being in radio?" "Funny you should ask," I said. He hired me on the spot and it began right there. That was 1980. I cannot say that my entire life from that point on was 'radio work,' but I can say that every year that I was in radio was a year that I never felt like I had a job. It was just pure fun. For the last 7 years I have worked for Mark Media in Western North Carolina and I have made many lifelong friends and memories. I recently branched out to explore new avenues and hope to be able to share my new adventures with a new cast of friends and family. I am now on the air in Portland, Oregon as part of the KXL news team. As we say...'stay tuned!' George Henry Radio will soon be producing a completely online internet radio station that will blend popular music with uplifting talk with a New Age spin.